IFS DipFA Coursework (Due 01/08/14)
The IFS Coursework consists mainly of a 4,000 word essay. The essay is marked according to QCF level 4 relevant academic standards (equivalent to the first year of a degree course). As part of this, a bibliography meeting the required academic format is mandatory. There are also three additional short questions on other topics.
The Coursework due for the beginning of August focuses on the use of property investments, covering the types of investment available, the tax treatment of such investments, and the potential for such investment by High Net Worth clients.
As investment into Property is popular amongst investors in the UK, this is an important area, and thus the IFS have provided students with a relevant topic for this submission.
In preparation for one of our courses, the IFS Study Folders contain an excellent starting point for research on why and how the UK taxation regime operates, and the effects on higher earners. By combining this information with relevant product and investment theory knowledge that shows the reader the pros and cons of such investments, students will make a start to providing a well researched essay. Further reading and research is also required as part of this assignment.
It is essential for students to understand the referencing and bibliography requirements, and focus on a solid and thought-out structure.
Further support can be found by booking attendance at one of Futuretrend’s DipFA courses, either via the remote support option or one-to-one tuition.
Paul Davis, Dip. PFS, Futuretrend Tutor.