Tag Archives: selenium with java

A new Test Automation book from our Tutors Tanvi & Bis

Tanvi and Bis have been busy indeed!  Apart from holding down demanding IT Consultant  roles, teaching engagements all over the place… they’ve still found the time to write a book!

This book aims to help Software Test professionals to master Selenium WebDriver programming fundamentals in Java platform and also covers efficient Test Automation Framework creation using Page Objects and JUnit.

Authors Biswajit Nanda and Tanvi Nanda believe mastering Selenium Web Driver is possible by learning important methods provided by Selenium Web Driver and practicing those in examples. Once the methods are mastered, learning frameworks using tools like Junit and framework design methodologies like Page Object Model becomes important.

Based on these beliefs and principles, the book first has covered most of the common and important methods for achieving various automation goals and then has provided guidelines on how to establish a Page Object Model framework.


Click on the pic opposite to check the book out on amazon or click here