Course Subjects




Trading as a Career: Live In-Person Market Practice and Experience

Trading as a Career: Live In-Person Market Practice and Experience


A full-time course lasting four weeks (Mon to Fri) where you shadow a trader as he works through his day. Each day you sit next to the trader, whilst he does analysis, trade design and selection and then followed by a review of the day.

Scheduled Course Dates and Prices

Duration:2 to 4 Weeks

Normal Price: £1495

Deposit: £250

For further information please contact us on 020 8443 2888 to meet in person to discuss the full details.


We also provide Private Coaching/Mentoring Sessions

If you would rather not be in a classroom with other students and have specific areas that you nee require a Private mentor for then we can help. You will have coaching sessions with an experienced trader to guide you through your initial learning phase and also later to ensure you get to your desired financial goal.

For further information please contact us on 020 8443 2888 to meet in person to discuss the full details.





Who Should Attend  

There are no age or race barriers towards learning new skills. Our ‘candidates’ include:

  • People looking for home based professional work that would earn them a comfortable income
  • Fresh out of the school and university graduates wanting to add real ‘job skills’ to their exam or degree results.
  • Investors looking to protect or diversify their portfolios.
  • People returning to work after having a new family member or after some illness – Looking to either brush up rusty skills or as a basis for starting a completely new career/skill.
  • For people willing to retire early and taking to that well deserved life in an exotic retreat and yet earning by only working few hours a day.
  • Individuals who are stuck in a dead end job wanting to get out and in with something lucrative and worthwhile and wanting to learn something new that only 5% of the world’s population does for a living.


Our trading course will help delegates to:

  • Profit in an up or down market.
  • Trade successfully and safely in a 24 hour market.
  • Trade mechanically without emotions being involved.
  • Earn extra streams of income from trading whilst investing only a couple of hours a day.
  • Start trading with an investment as little £100 and/or up to thousands of pounds as you wish.
  • Earn anything from £50 up to £1000’s a week based on your level of investment.
  • Trade for a living.

Course Outline


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Payment Options

Reserve your space with just £250 and pay the balance a few days before the course starts



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