Tag Archives: training analysis

Why you should find time for training (especially when you haven’t got any!)

Often companies and management view training as a secondary need or a luxury instead of an organisational necessity. There seems to be an absurd fear of investing in and then losing a well trained employee. The fear is in making the investment and losing it. Too many times a manager will ask: “What if I train employees and they leave?” But in this day and age, a company should instead be asking “What if I don´t train my employees and they stay?” No longer can any company afford not to offer the latest training techniques for their employees, the business world is just too competitive and ever-changing. By keeping untrained employees over a period of time, you hinder your company, become outdated and are unable to compete in your industry.

Too many managers see training as a feature or a gift instead of a necessity. So, when cut-backs occur it is often the training that gets put out of the way. The problem is: many managers really do feel that “Training negatively affects an employees work efficacy.” Instead of realizing that the newly learned techniques will improve the staff’s overall capability, work habits and work management.

The attitude is usually: “Training is great, so long as there is extra money, and it doesn’t take the staff away from important work tasks.”Unfortunately, those that believe this to be true, usually have a real training, staff and efficiency problem. Businesses that train are prepared for business survival and to outperform others in every aspect of development, production and innovation.

Training is about building an individual’s skill level and improving his/her education in all things related to the industry sector they compete in. Companies that train experience several benefits including:

  • Better Job Recruits-Job candidates are now looking for a work environment that offers more than just money. They want an environment that fosters personal development. A company that offers an effective training program has better job candidate options.

  • Motivation-the more motivated you keep employees the higher job retention you will have. People that work for a company that cares about personal growth are more likely to stay at the company.

  • Productivity-Companies that offer training often have better employee productivity and consequently higher revenues.

But as in all corporate strategy implementation, if TRAINING is not supported from top management, it will be ineffective. All levels of a company´s management must understand the importance of training as a process and know that it is not a single one time learning event. A company that touts the “Corporate University” status must be committed to developing a learning environment.

 An ideal training and learning environment means management will include it in corporate communications, business plans and performance goals. By involving management in the training process, conducting appraisals, updates and goals, personnel will understand that there is a direct correlation between training and career success.

However training is about more than just placing a teacher in a classroom. It is about effective, dynamic and hands on training methods. As an organisation considering training integration, you need to analyze quality training and delivery methods. As the saying goes: I hear-I forget, but if I see and do then I understand. This is what efficient and qualitative training is about. It is not only explanatory but also hands on and team participative, making the process really effective and allowing the participants to use the knowledge they receive in the work environment.